Start monitoring your first server for free. Focus on what matters while Monitor Monkey strips away the complexity, giving you crystal-clear insights without the noise.
Start MonitoringZero fluff. Monitor CPU, memory, disk usage, and network stats with precision. Get the data you need, nothing more.
Know immediately when your servers go offline. Get notified instantly so you can take action before your users notice.
No config required by default. You can configure disks and services if you would like. If you only care about a database then that's all we will monitor for you!
Your servers stay lightning-fast while being monitored 24/7.
Crystal clear insights into your server's health, updating in real-time every 5 seconds.
Monitor Monkey agent runs on all major Linux distributions with SystemD
Supports Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and newer versions
Compatible with CentOS 7, 8, and Stream
Supports all recent Fedora releases
Works with Debian 10 (Buster) and newer
Full support for Rocky Linux 8 and newer
Compatible with AlmaLinux 8 and above
Supports RHEL 7 and newer versions
Our monitoring agent is completely open source. A Simple installation process gets you up and running in seconds.
Tiny memory footprint
Negligible CPU impact
Real-time monitoring
Quick installation
Start with one server completely free. Only pay when you need to monitor more servers.
Full control over your monitoring infrastructure with our self-hosted option.
< 1 minute
< 1% CPU
Start monitoring your first server for free, setup takes minutes, not hours.